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The Leading Voices in Food

Jan 27, 2020

Stigmatizing people based on factors such as race and sexual identity is being tolerated less and less. But what about stigmatizing people with issues that some believed are under personal control, such as use of drugs and alcohol or obesity? Can negative attitudes encourage people to change?

About Janet Tomiyama


Jan 27, 2020

Weight stigma, bias and discrimination can have very profound impacts on individuals. Medical settings are a place where there are real opportunities to make change and today's guest, Dr. Louise Metz is a change maker. She is passionate about providing weight-inclusive medical care, and committed to helping to...

Jan 20, 2020

Do you eat mindfully? Could an approach to eating derived from one religious tradition be helpful to us all? Today's guest, Dr. Lilian Cheung is an expert on just these questions.

About Lilian Cheung

Dr. Lilian Cheung at the Harvard School of Public Health, one of the leading nutrition institutions in the country, is...

Jan 10, 2020

Imagine being a fourth-generation owner of a business and deciding to completely change things to upend tried-and-traditional ways of doing things in favor of something brand new, untraditional, and potentially pretty risky. Such is the story of our guest today, farmer Will Harris.

About Will Harris

Will Harris is a...

Jan 9, 2020

Imagine a farm doing such creative work that more than 2,000 people come to visit each year from all 50 states and more than 20 countries outside the US. What do you think such a farm might be doing? Our guest Gabe Brown can explain.

About Gabe Brown

Gabe Brown along with his wife Shelley and son Paul own and operate...